“We supply Quality Engineered Products to suit our client’s requirements in Standard or Bespoke equipment”
Maintenance Service Agreements
Lift equipment is vital to ensure that goods and people can move safely and efficiently throughout a building.
At Ascension Lifts, we recognise that our customers must have faith in the reliability of their Lift(s), Satisfaction with how the equipment functions, confidence that it is maintained properly and in event of any issue arising, the peace of mind that someone is on hand to discuss and resolve any issue quickly and efficiently.
Our dedicated Maintenance department is on hand 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year.
We offer our clients a range of preventative maintenance programme options which are all designed to identify and attend to any potential problem areas before a lift malfunction can occur.
We provide three separate levels of Preventative Service Agreements for all our lift Installations and also for lift Installations that have been installed by other companies.
There is also a legal requirement on the Owner of any Building to ensure that all Lifting equipment is maintained and inspected regularly by a trained Engineer. All of our service level agreements ensure that these requirements are fulfilled.